Crop Report

Hello folks, 
Don't forget to change your clocks this weekend :) finally we can emerge from hibernation and shake off a bit of the seasonally affected disorder!
Everywhere around us here in the Home of British blooms is surrounded with Daffodils! Fields of yellowness stretch out for acres and acres - a cheery sight whilst driving the route to collect from growers - thank you to Taylors for a stunning show - every year as their Daffodil crops mature for bulb production the fields look amazing. 
  • Hellebores have had a bit of a flush on!! hence the SPECIAL OFFER!! if you haven't tried these beauties do have a bunch this week they are gorgeous! ( and come with a free sample of arrive alive wrap-lol-even more of a bargain! ) 
  • We have lots to choose from on the web shop this week and some new tulip varieties
- Pink Ardour - elegant tall cerise, plum colour
- Huntsville - more pointed head and similar more cerise 
- Bell song fringed and fancy peachy cream
- Super Model - If you haven't kept one back do and watch her change frock colour!!
- Pink Ribbon - lily type bright pink
- pale pink KP
- Flaming Flag - white with flashes of purple
- Candy Prince - lilac
- Zanzibar - pink fringed 
- Update white
- Strong Gold yellow - AMAZINGLY tall on the bulb easy 50cm!
- Cape Town yellow
- Purple Crystal limited - on the bulb only
- Orange this week will be Cadens which is a heavy weight
- Strong Love Red
- 50cm Strong Gold or Strong Love special order ! How about for Easter ?? They are fab and look almost French !
  • Flamingo Daffodils are back and stunning - longer than most of the 'sticks' these are  beautiful apricot flamingo shade cup that changes to pink as it progresses. Get them while there here! Daffodil season is romping along !!
  • Narcissi are transitioning from Cornish to Lincolnshire and Double Daffodils are a plenty!!
  • Ranunculus - these Norfolk beauties are coming SLOWLY!!
  • Same as the Scented Stocks - almost !! Few this week for weddings …. More sunny lighter days required !!
  • Plenty of Cornish, Norfolk & Lincolnshire foliage's and the Wild Green Garden is being pruned too!
  • Check Out the Sustainable Sundries section - more being added each week - the latest biodegradable ribbons are ace! and hessian rolls will be on next. Madagascan Raffia is fab value and a huge hank!
  • Easter delivery dates are also here so those of you who are planning the next few weeks have all your options.
  • The two types of delivery continue and we are delighted you like the undegraded services :)
DVS the specialist flower and plant couriers
Delivery early mornings - most by 10.30am
Returnable crates less packaging, reduction on cardboard !! Help us help the planet - please return your boxes, collars etc and crates - leave the stickers on your crates so we can cancel off your account and let us know - quick whatsapp pic will do !!
DX Express has been upgraded to pre 1pm with additional alerts
These guys have an exceptional customer service team - let us know if your delivery hasn’t arrived by 1pm so we can track and advise. 
We are updating the web shop with some improvements and quick links so you can find what you need easily!
Please feedback comments as usual it's evolving in our constant continually improving kind of way!
Wishing you all a great weekend and just a reminder that Monday is coming one hour than usual so cherish your moments!!
Keep Calm & Carry on Flowering 

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