This week's crop report comes from the hairdresser's chair as we see the consumers return to shopping and appointments, roll on the 3rd week of Ramadan and kids back to the routine of school and even face to face Scouting- outside but a little “normality” returns.
New This Week!
Duo Ranunculus and Alstromeria Mixed Box of 80 stem
Double Tulip *Columbus* Bundle of 50 stems
Alstroemeria Norfolk Stem Grade Bunch of 10
Lots of colours and plenty to go at !! If you haven’t had a box of these now is the time to try them! They are in full swing and if 60 stems are too many the Duo box mixed with Ranunculus is the ideal solution with 40 stems of each. The “breaks” are long enough on some varieties to use in arrangements or even jars or small vases so there’s no waste.
2-3 weeks left on these, as the crop progresses the weight of stems is slightly less heavyweight than week one and two and numbers slightly reducing as we are over the main flush but still plenty to go at.
Mini Rainbow Ranunculus are smaller heads and slightly shorter stems as they are the side stems.
Sweet Peas
- These scented delights are still steady as the cold nights continue on a positive note that means some of the later blooming colours still have approx 35cm stem length.
- More Sweet Peas Arriving Monday 26th for delivery on Tuesday 27th onwards.
Scented Stocks
The Premium grower has a gap between batches and the other two growers are frustrated with frosts and cold nights delaying their first batches. This gap was an issue created by Brexit logistics and the plug plants arriving a bit out of whack with the plan!
There should be some towards the end of the week - we will keep you posted via the Trade Facebook group
- There’s a bit more Columbus Double tulips for this week as I couldn’t resist reserving some as it’s my fave variety! Tulips have around 5 weeks remaining before the season ends.
Pink Charmeur the lovely variegated leaf variety continues alongside Red Mascara, Yellow Flight, Tineke v d meer pink, Jan Signette bi-colour, Royal Virgin White, Orange Verandi, Purple Laptop & Saigon.
Plenty of variety for Pastel & Rainbow mixes!
- Eucalyptus is drawing to a close - some of you may have seen the video from Irish Green Guys chipping the last of the crop - this is not our grower but similar practices are happening with all the Irish foliage farms.
Pollarding normally occurs in mid March so it’s only those growers with staggered crops that continue until now. 2 weeks or so and Eucalyptus will be scarce! - Bottlebrush, Ozmanthus and Pittosporum continue. There’s still fresh twisted willow too from Lincolnshire if you have the urge to do structures!
Just as Ranunculus end Peonies will start - Red Charm, Coral Charm & Pink Hawaiian the first variety up and budding up nicely - nothings moving at a pace this year due to the weather so we are being patient! Good light levels help tremendously!! The second week of May the current prediction.
- We have been updated this morning that we can get 2 varieties of Iris for next week! Varieties coming to the Evolve store:
- Blue Discovery
- Yellow Apollo
Box Deals
Growers Choice boxes are proving popular and a great way for you to offer a selection of British grown flowers.
Final Field Notes
- No surprises, the weather! The UK is still experiencing frosts?! This has wiped out complete crops for farmers who have no choice to replant or move on. Please be patient with the weather because when the British Blooms come they are so worth it.
- More stock will be added to the shop on Monday for the rest of the week. As we update the availability in accordance with growers stock levels and fluctuations as a result of weather conditions.
Any queries please email trade@evolveflowers.com as this address is reviewed more frequently than the others; bear in mind we are in the packing shed more than the office as our little team has to be very multi-functional !!
Quote of the Week:
"Be happy. Be yourself."